Xpress Appendix B

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This page is part of the Xpress Manual. See Xpress Manual.

The Matlab Interface Routines - Utility Routines



xpr2mat reads an (X)MPS file and more. The file is converted to matrices and vectors made available in MATLAB. MPS and extended MPS for LP, MILP, QP and MIQP are the supported file types, however it is possible to supply a wide range of file types.

Calling Syntax

[F, c, A, b_L, b_U, x_L, x_U, IntVars] = xpr2mat(Name, PriLev, FreeRows);

Description of Input

Input Description
Name Name of the MPS file without extension. xpr2mat can recognize many different file extensions, e.g.: .mps, .lp, .mat, .qps.
PriLev Print level of cpx2mat. Set to 0 to have it silent, 1 to print warnings, and 2 to print debug information.
FreeRows Set to 1 to delete free rows. 0 leaves the free rows. Default: 1.

Description of Output

Output Description
F The quadratic term matrix. Empty for non-QP problems.
c The linear term vector.
A The constraint matrix.
b_L The lower bounds of the constraints.
b_U The upper bounds of the constraints.
x_L The lower box bounds of x.
x_U The upper box bounds of x.
IntVars Logical vector describing what variables that are integer or binary variables. Empty if the problem is not a mixed integer problem.



Converting a general assignment problem (GAP) to a standard form suitable for a MIP solver.

The GAP problem is formulated as

Calling Syntax

[c, x L, x U, b L, b U, a, sos1] = abc2gap( A, b, C, SOS1);

Description of Input

A A m × n constraint matrix for GAP constraints.
b A m × 1 right hand side vector.
C A m × n cost matrix for GAP constraints.
SOS1 Logical variable, default false. If true, generate output for sos1 handling with XpressM P

Otherwise generate output giving an equivalent formulation with standard integer variables.

Description of Output

c Linear objective function cost coefficients, vector m * n × 1.
x_L Lower bounds on design parameters x.
x_U Upper bounds on design parameters x.
b_L Lower bounds on the m + n linear constraints.
b_U Upper bounds on the linear constraints.
a Sparse m + n × m * n matrix for linear constraints.
sos1 If input variable SOS1 is true, structure with sos1 variable information in the form suitable for the Matlab XpressM P interface routine xpress, otherwise empty.


Converting a general assignment problem (GAP) to standard form suitable for a mixed-integer programming solver. Either binary or sos1 variables are used.



XpressM P Matlab MEX-interface internal callback routine

Calling Syntax


Description of Input

xpicv Vector of doubles with XpressM P Integer Control Variables.
xpdcv Vector of doubles with XpressM P Double Control Variables.
xpccv1 String with 1st XpressM P String Control Variable.
xpccv2 String with 2nd XpressM P String Control Variable.
xpccv3 String with 3rd XpressM P String Control Variable.
xpccv4 String with 4th XpressM P String Control Variable.
xpccv5 String with 5th XpressM P String Control Variable.
xpccv6 String with 6th XpressM P String Control Variable.

Global Parameters Used

Parameter Description
xpControlVariables Structure with all XpressMP control variables. Set before the callback.


XpressMP Matlab MEX-interface internal callback routine. Creates a global Matlab structure variable xpCon- trolVariables, where the fields corresponds to the XpressM P control variable names as given in Section 7 in the Xpress-Optimizer Reference Manual.



XpressMP Matlab MEX-interface internal callback routine

Calling Syntax


Description of Input

Input Description
xpipv Vector of doubles with XpressM P Integer Problem Variables.
xpdpv Vector of doubles with XpressM P Double Problem Variables.
xpcpv1 String with 1st XpressM P String Problem Variable.
xpcpv2 String with 2nd XpressM P String Problem Variable.
xpcpv3 String with 3rd XpressM P String Problem Variable.
xpcpv4 String with 4th XpressM P String Problem Variable.
xpcpv5 String with 5th XpressM P String Problem Variable.

Global Parameters Used

Parameter Description
xpProblemAttrib Structure with all XpressM P problem attributes listed in Section 8 in the Xpress-Optimizer Reference Manual. Set before the callback.


XpressM P Matlab MEX-interface internal callback routine. Creates a global Matlab structure variable xpProb- lemAttrib, where the fields corresponds to the XpressM P problem attribute names.