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This page is part of the TomSym Manual. See TomSym Manual.

Problem description

A workshop that produces metal pipes on demand for the automobile industry has three machines for bending the pipes, soldering the fastenings, and assembling the links. The workshop has to produce six pieces, for which the durations of the processing steps (in minutes) are given in the following table. Every workpiece first goes to bending, then to soldering, and finally to assembly of the links. Once started, any operations must be carried out without interruption, but the workpieces may wait between the machines.

Processing durations in minutes

+---------+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Workpiece|1|2|3|4|5|6| +---------+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Bending |3|6|3|5|5|7| |Soldering|5|4|2|4|4|5| |Assembly |5|2|4|6|3|6| +---------+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Every machine only processes one piece at a time. A workpiece may not overtake any other by passing onto the following machine. This means that if at the beginning a sequence of the workpieces is established, they will be processed on every machine in exactly this order. Which is the sequence of workpieces that minimizes the total time for completing all pieces?


nummachines The number of machines proctimes Time to process a workpiece in a machine


Applications of optimization... Gueret, Prins, Seveaux

% Marcus Edvall, Tomlab Optimization Inc, E-mail:
% Copyright (c) 2005-2009 by Tomlab Optimization Inc., $Release: 7.2.0$
% Written Oct 7, 2005.   Last modified Apr 8, 2009.

Problem setup

nummachines = 3;
proctimes   = [3 6 3 5 5 7;...
    5 4 2 4 4 5;...
    5 2 4 6 3 6];

n1 = size(proctimes,2); % Number of jobs     (j in JOBS)
n2 = size(proctimes,2); % Number of ranks    (k in RANKS)
n3 = nummachines;       % Number of machines (m in MACH)

rnk = tom('rnk',n1,n2,'int');
empty = tom('empty',n3,n2);
wait = tom('wait',n3,n2);

% All slots are integers.
bnds1 = {0 <= rnk <= 1};

% Assignment constraint one job per rank.
con1 = {sum(rnk,1) == 1};

% Assignment constraint one rank per job.
con2 = {sum(rnk,2) == 1};

% Relationship between the end of job rank k on machine m and start of job
% on machines m+1

duration = tom('duration',n3,n2);
durcon = {};
for m=1:n3
    for k=1:n2
        durcon{(m-1)*n2+k} = {duration(m,k) == sum(proctimes(m,:)*rnk(:,k))};

con3 = {empty(1:end-1,1:end-1) + duration(1:end-1,2:end) + ...
    wait(1:end-1,2:end) == wait(1:end-1,1:end-1) + ...
    duration(2:end,1:end-1) + empty(2:end,1:end-1)};

% Empty and Wait are zeros when starting, set in bounds
bnds2 = {empty(:,1:end-1) >= 0};
bnds3 = {wait(1:end-1,:) >= 0};
bnds4 = {empty(1,1:end-1) == 0};
bnds5 = {wait(1:end-1,1) == 0};

% Objective
objective = sum(sum(proctimes(1:end-1,:)*rnk(1:end,1))) + sum(sum(empty(end,1:end-1)));

constraints = {bnds1, bnds2, bnds3, bnds4, bnds5, con1, con2, con3, durcon};
options = struct;
options.solver = 'cplex';   = 'Flow Shop Scheduling';
sol = ezsolve(objective,constraints,[],options);

PriLev = 1;
if PriLev > 0
    p      = size(proctimes,2);         % number of pieces
    m      = nummachines;               % number of machines
    order = round(sol.rnk);
    wait1  = round(sol.wait(1,:));      % wait before machine 1
    wait2  = round(sol.wait(2,:));      % wait before machine 2
    wait3  = round(sol.wait(3,:));      % wait before machine 3
    proctimes   = [3 6 3 5 5 7;...      % the processing times
        5 4 2 4 4 5;...
        5 2 4 6 3 6];
    sequence = [] ;                     % the sequence of pieces
    for i = 1:p,
        sequence = [sequence find(order(:,i))]; % insert piece by piece
    disp(['A best sequence is: ' num2str(sequence)])

    mt1 = [];   % empty machine-times for machine 1
    mt2 = [];   % empty machine-times for machine 2
    mt3 = [];   % empty machine-times for machine 3
    t11 = 0;    % timepoint for entering machine 1
    t12 = 0;    % timepoint for exiting  machine 1
    t21 = 0;    % timepoint for entering machine 2
    t22 = 0;    % timepoint for exiting  machine 2
    t31 = 0;    % timepoint for entering machine 3
    t32 = 0;    % timepoint for exiting  machine 3
    first2 = 1; % the first piece in machine 2
    first3 = 1; % the first piece in machine 3

    for i = 1:length(sequence),
        id  = sequence(i);

        % times in and out of machine 1
        t11  = t12 + wait1(id);
        t12  = t11 + proctimes(1,id);

        % times in and out of machine 2
        if first2 == 1,
            t21 = t12 + wait2(id);
            first2 = 0 ;
            t21 = t22 + wait2(id);
        t22  = t21 + proctimes(2,id);

        % times in and out of machine 3
        if first3 == 1,
            t31 = t22 + wait3(id);
            first3 = 0 ;
            t31 = t32 + wait3(id);
        t32  = t31 + proctimes(3,id);

        % times in and out of machines
        mt1 = [mt1; t11  t12];
        mt2 = [mt2; t21  t22];
        mt3 = [mt3; t31  t32];

    mt = [mt1 mt2 mt3];

    for j = 1:p,
        disp(['piece ' num2str(sequence(j)) ' has this flow' ])
        for k = 1:m,
            disp(['   machine ' num2str(k) ': ' num2str(mt(j,(k-1)*2+1)) '-' num2str(mt(j,(k-1)*2+2)) ])
    for k = 1:m,
        disp(['machine ' num2str(k) ' has this flow' ])
        for l = 1:p,
            disp(['   piece ' num2str(sequence(l)) ': ' ...
                num2str(mt(l,((k-1)*2+1))) '-' num2str(mt(l,((k-1)*2+2)))])

% 051010 med   Created.
% 060111 per   Added documentation.
% 060124 per   Interpretation of results upgraded.
% 060126 per   Moved disp to end
% 090308 med   Converted to tomSym
Problem type appears to be: mip
Time for symbolic processing: 0.1618 seconds
Starting numeric solver
===== * * * =================================================================== * * *
TOMLAB - TOMLAB Development license  999007. Valid to 2011-12-31
Problem: ---  1: Flow Shop Scheduling           f_k       9.000000000000000000
                                              f(x_0)      0.000000000000000000

Solver: CPLEX.  EXIT=0.  INFORM=101.
CPLEX Branch-and-Cut MIP solver
Optimal integer solution found

FuncEv   59 
Elapsed time: 0.006000 sec. 
A best sequence is: 4  1  6  5  3  2
piece 4 has this flow
   machine 1: 2-7
   machine 2: 7-11
   machine 3: 11-17
piece 1 has this flow
   machine 1: 7-10
   machine 2: 11-16
   machine 3: 17-22
piece 6 has this flow
   machine 1: 10-17
   machine 2: 16-21
   machine 3: 22-28
piece 5 has this flow
   machine 1: 21-26
   machine 2: 21-25
   machine 3: 28-31
piece 3 has this flow
   machine 1: 26-29
   machine 2: 25-27
   machine 3: 31-35
piece 2 has this flow
   machine 1: 30-36
   machine 2: 28-32
   machine 3: 35-37
machine 1 has this flow
   piece 4: 2-7
   piece 1: 7-10
   piece 6: 10-17
   piece 5: 21-26
   piece 3: 26-29
   piece 2: 30-36
machine 2 has this flow
   piece 4: 7-11
   piece 1: 11-16
   piece 6: 16-21
   piece 5: 21-25
   piece 3: 25-27
   piece 2: 28-32
machine 3 has this flow
   piece 4: 11-17
   piece 1: 17-22
   piece 6: 22-28
   piece 5: 28-31
   piece 3: 31-35
   piece 2: 35-37