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This page is part of the TOMLAB Manual. See TOMLAB Manual.

tomHelp is a graphical interface for quick help on all problem types defined in TOMLAB. The interface is started by entering tomHelp in the MATLAB command prompt. The menu system will be displayed as in #Figure: tomHelp start menu.

Figure: tomHelp start menu

<figure id="fig:tomHelp">

tomHelp start menu
tomHelp start menu.


If a specific problem category is selected then a new menu is displayed. Text help in the MATLAB command window is displayed by choosing help from the interface. It is recommended that the individual demo files are viewed to get an understanding about the specific problem. The files can be used as a starting point for defining problem in the TOMLAB format.

The llsDemo menu is illustrated below in #Figure: llsDemo menu

Figure: llsDemo menu

<figure id="fig:llsmenu">

llsDemo menu
llsDemo menu.
