MAD Advanced Use of Forward Mode for First Derivatives

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This page is part of the MAD Manual. See MAD Manual.

We have seen in section 4 how Mad via overloaded operations on variables of the fmad class may calculate first derivatives. In this section we explore more advanced use of the fmad class.

Accessing The Internal Representation of Derivatives

We saw in MAD Basic Use of Forward Mode for First Derivatives that fmad returns multiple derivatives as N-D arrays of one dimension higher than the corresponding value. Since Matlab variables are by default matrices, i.e. arrays of dimension 2, then we see that by default for multiple directional derivatives fmad will return 3-D (or higher dimension arrays). Although this approach is systematic it can be inconvenient. Frequently we require the Jacobian matrix of a vector valued function. We can trivially reshape or squeeze the 3-D array obtained by fmad to get the required matrix. However, and as we shall see in MAD Advanced Use of Forward Mode for First Derivatives#Dynamic Propagation of Sparse Derivatives, this approach will not work if we wish to use Matlab's sparse matrix class to propagate derivatives. We should bear in mind that the derivvec class stores arbitrary dimension derivative arrays internally as matrices. This internal representation of the derivatives may be accessed directly through use of the function getinternalderivs as the following example shows.

Example MADEXIntRep1: Internal Representation

This example illustrates MAD's internal representation of derivatives. See also fmad, MADEXExtRep1, MADEXExtRep2


  • Define a vector [1;1] with derivatives given by the sparse identity
  • Getderivs returns the external form in full storage
  • Getinternalderivs returns the internal form

Define a vector [1;1] with derivatives given by the sparse identity

format compact 
value =
Size = 2  1
No. of derivs = 2
d =
   (1,1)        1
d =
   (2,1)        1

Getderivs returns the external form in full storage


da(:,:,1) =
da(:,:,2) =

Getinternalderivs returns the internal form

getinternalderivs maintains the sparse storage used internally by MAD's derivvec class.

da =
   (1,1)        1
   (2,2)        1

See MAD Advanced Use of Forward Mode for First Derivatives#Dynamic Propagation of Sparse Derivatives for more information on this topic.

Preallocation of Matrices/Arrays

It is well-known in Matlab that a major performance overhead is incurred if an array is frequently increased in size, or grown, to accommodate new data as the following example shows.

Example MADEXPrealloc1: importance of array preallocation

This example illustrates the importance of preallocation of arrays when using MAD.


  • Simple loop without preallocation
  • Simple loop with preallocation
  • Fmad loop without preallocation
  • Fmad loop with preallocation

Simple loop without preallocation

Because the array a continuously grows, the following loop executes slowly.

format compact 
clear a
tic; for i=1:n; a(i+1)=-a(i);end; t_noprealloc=toc
t_noprealloc =

Simple loop with preallocation

To improve performance we preallocate a.

clear a 
tic; for i=1:n;a(i+1)=-a(i);end;t_prealloc=toc
t_prealloc =

Fmad loop without preallocation

With an fmad variable performance is even more dramatically reduced when growing an array.

clear a 
x=fmad(1,[1 2]); 
tic;for i=1:n;a(i+1)=-a(i);end;t_fmadnoprealloc=toc
t_fmadnoprealloc =

Fmad loop with preallocation

To improve performance we preallocate a.

clear a 
tic; for i=1:n;a(i+1)=-a(i);end;t_fmadprealloc=toc
t_fmadprealloc =

Note that we have preallocated a using zeros(n,length(x)). In fmad we provide functions length, size and numel that return, instead of the expected integers, fmad object results with zero derivatives. This then allows for them to be used in functions such as zeros (here) or ones to preallocate fmad objects. Also note that it is not possible to change the class of the object that is being assigned to in Matlab so if we wish to assign fmad variables to part of an matrix/array then that array must already be preallocated to be of fmad class. This technique has previously been used by Verma [Ver98a, Ver98c] in his ADMAT package.

Example (Preallocating fmad Arrays)

In example 4.5 the input argument y to the function will be of fmadclass. In the third non-comment line,

dydt = zeros(2*N,size(y,2)); % preallocate dy/dt

of the function of Figure 1 we see that size(y,2) is used as an argument to zeros to preallocate storage for the variable dydt. Since y is of class fmad then so will be the result of the size function, and hence so will be the result of the zeros function and hence dydt will be of class fmad. This will then allow for fmad variables to be assigned to it and derivatives will be correctly propagated.

We now see how to avoid problem 1 noted in MAD Basic Use of Forward Mode for First Derivatives#Possible Problems Using the Forward Mode.

Example 5.4 (Solution to Possible Problem 1)

We make use of length, acting on an fmad variable to preallocate the array y to be of fmad class.

>> x=fmad(1,1);
>> y=zeros(2,length(x(1)));
>> y(1)=x;

Dynamic Propagation of Sparse Derivatives

Many practical problems either possess sparse Jacobians or are partially separable so that many intermediate expressions have sparse local Jacobians. In either case it is possible to take advantage of this structure when calculating Ft (x)V in the cases when V is sparse. In particular using V = In , the identity matrix, facilitates calculation of the Jacobian Ft (x). In order to do this we need to propagate the derivatives as sparse matrices. Matlab matrices (though not N-D arrays) may be stored in an intrinsic sparse format for efficient handling of sparse matrices [GMS91]. Verma's ADMAT tool [Ver98a] can use Matlab's sparse matrices to calculate Jacobians of functions which are defined only by scalars and vectors. In fmad careful design [For06] of the derivvec class for storage of derivatives has allowed us to propagate sparse derivatives for variables of arbitrary dimension (N-D arrays). In this respect fmad has a similar capability to the Fortran 90 overloading package ADO1 [PR98], and the Fortran source-text translation tool ADIFOR [BCH+ 98] which may make use of the SparseLinC library to form linear combinations of derivative vectors. See [Gri00, Chap. 6] for a review of this AD topic.

Use of Sparse Derivatives

In order to use sparse derivatives we initialise our independent variables with a sparse matrix. We use the feature of the fmad constructor (section 4.3) that the derivatives supplied must be of the correct number of elements and in column major order to avoid having to supply the derivative as an N-D array. As the following example shows, getinternalderivs must be used to access derivatives in their sparse storage format.

Example Sparse1: Dynamic sparsity for Jacobians with fmad

This example illustrates use of dynamic sparsity when calculating Jacobians with fmad.

  • A function with sparse Jacobian
  • Initialising sparse derivatives
  • Using sparse derivatives
  • Extracting the derivatives
  • Accessing the internal derivative storage
A function with sparse Jacobian

As a simple, small example we take,

y = F(x_1,  x_2)=[  x_1^2 + x_2 x_2^2	]

for which

DF/Dy = [ 2x_1   1
            0	 2x_2]

and at (x 1,x 2)=(1,2)' we have,

DF/Dy = [ 2   1
          0   4]
Initialising sparse derivatives

We set the derivatives using the sparse identity matrix speye. Note that fmad's deriv component stores the derivatives as a derivvec object with sparse storage as indicated by the displaying of only non-zero entries.

x=fmad([1 2],speye(2))
value =
     1     2
Size = 1  2
No. of derivs = 2
d =
   (1,1)        1
d =
   (1,2)        1
Using sparse derivatives

We perform any calculations in the usual way - clearly y has sparse derivatives.

y=[x(1)^2+x(2); x(2)^2]
value =
Size = 2  1
No. of derivs = 2
d =
   (1,1)        2
d =
   (1,1)        1
   (2,1)        4
Extracting the derivatives

If we use getderivs then, as usual MAD insists on returning a 3 D array and sparsity information is lost.

dy(:,:,1) =
dy(:,:,2) =
dy =
     2     1
     0     4
Accessing the internal derivative storage

By accessing the internal derivative storage used by fmad in its calculation, the sparse Jacobian can be extracted.

J =
   (1,1)        2
   (1,2)        1
   (2,2)        4

The above example, though trivial, shows how sparse derivatives may be used in Mad. Of course there is an overhead associated with the use of sparse derivatives and the problem must be sufficiently large to warrant their use.

Example MADEXbrussodeJacSparse: Brusselator Sparse Jacobian

This example shows how to use the fmad class to calculate the Jacobian of the Brusselator problem using sparse propagation of derivatives. The compressed approache of MADEXbrussodeJacComp may be more efficient.

See also: brussode f, brussode S, MADEXbrussodeJac, MADEXbrussodeJacComp, brussode

  • Initialise Variables
  • Use fmad with sparse storage to calculate the Jacobian
  • Using finite-differencing
  • Comparing the AD and FD Jacobian
Initialise Variables

We define the input variables.

N=3; t=0; y0=ones(2*N,1);

Use fmad with sparse storage to calculate the Jacobian

We initialise y with the value y0 and derivatives given by the sparse identity matrix of size equal to the length of y0. We may then evaluate the function and extract the value and Jacobian.

y=fmad(y0,speye(length(y0))); % Only significant change from MADEXbrussodeJac
F_spfmad=getvalue(F); % grab value
JF_spfmad=getinternalderivs(F) % grab Jacobian
JF_spfmad =
   (1,1)      -2.6400
   (2,1)       1.0000
   (3,1)       0.3200
   (1,2)       1.0000
   (2,2)      -1.6400
   (4,2)       0.3200
   (1,3)       0.3200
   (3,3)      -2.6400
   (4,3)       1.0000
   (5,3)       0.3200
   (2,4)       0.3200
   (3,4)       1.0000
   (4,4)      -1.6400
   (6,4)       0.3200
   (3,5)       0.3200
   (5,5)      -2.6400
   (6,5)       1.0000
   (4,6)       0.3200
   (5,6)       1.0000
   (6,6)      -1.6400
Using finite-differencing
y=repmat(y0,[1 2*N+1]);
JF_fd=(F(:,2:end)-repmat(F_fd,[1 2*N]))./sqrt(eps)
JF_fd =
   -2.6400    1.0000    0.3200         0         0         0
    1.0000   -1.6400         0    0.3200         0         0
    0.3200         0   -2.6400    1.0000    0.3200         0
         0    0.3200    1.0000   -1.6400         0    0.3200
         0         0    0.3200         0   -2.6400    1.0000
         0         0         0    0.3200    1.0000   -1.6400
Comparing the AD and FD Jacobian

The function values computed are, of course, identical. The Jacobians disagree by about 1e-8, this is due to the truncation error of the finite-difference approximation.

disp(['Function values norm(F_fd-F_spfmad)  = ',num2str(norm(F_fd-F_spfmad,inf))])
disp(['Function Jacobian norm(JF_fd-JF_spfmad)= ',num2str(norm(JF_fd-JF_spfmad,inf))])
Function values norm(F_fd-F_spfmad)  = 0
Function Jacobian norm(JF_fd-JF_spfmad)= 2.861e-008

User Control of Sparse Derivative Propagation

Some AD tools, for example ADO1 [PR98], ADIFOR [BCH+ 98], allow for switching from sparse to full storage data structures for derivatives depending on the number of non-zeros in the derivative. There may be some user control provided for this. The sparse matrix implementation of Matlab [GMS91] generally does not convert from sparse to full matrix storage unless a binary operation of a sparse and full matrix is performed. For example a sparse-full multiplication results in a full matrix. In the derivvec arithmetic used by fmad we presently provide no facilities for switching from sparse to full storage once objects have been created. Since MAD version 1.2, the derivvec class is designed to ensure that once calculations start with sparse derivatives, they continue with sparse derivatives. Any behaviour other than this is a bug and should be reported.

Sparse Jacobians via Compression

It is well known [Gri00, Chap. 7] that, subject to a favourable sparsity pattern of the Jacobian, the number of directional derivatives that need to be determined in order to form all entries of the Jacobian may be greatly reduced. This technique, known as Jacobian (row) compression, is frequently used in finite-difference approxi- mations of Jacobians [DS96, Sec. 11.2], [NW99, p169-173]. Finite-differencing allows Jacobian-vector products to be approximated and can be used to build up columns, or linear combinations of columns, of the Jacobian. Use of sparsity and appropriate coloring algorithms frequently enables many columns to be approximated from one approximated directional derivative. This technique is frequently referred to as sparse finite-differencing however we shall use the term compressed finite-differencing to avoid confusion with techniques using sparse storage. The forward mode of AD calculates Jacobian-vector products exactly and, using the same colouring techniques as in compressed finite-differencing, may therefore calculate many columns of the Jacobian exactly by propagating just one directional derivative. Thus row compression may also be used by the fmad class of Mad.

Coleman and Verma [CV96] and, independently, Hossain and Steihaug [HS98] showed that since reverse mode AD may calculate vector-Jacobian products it may be used to calculate linear combinations of rows of the Jacobian. This fact is frequently utilised in optimisation in which an objective function with single output has its gradient, or row Jacobian calculated by the propagation of a single adjoint. These authors showed that by utilising both forward and reverse AD, and specialised colouring algorithms they could efficiently calculate sparse Jacobians which could not be calculated by sparse finite-differences. Such techniques are not available in Mad.

For a given sparsity pattern the row compression calculation proceeds as follows:

  1. Calculate a good coloring from the given sparsity pattern using MADcolor.
  2. Construct an appropriate seed matrix to initialise derivatives using MADgetseed.
  3. Calculate the compressed Jacobian by using fmad to propagate derivatives, initialised by the seed matrix, through the function calculation to yield a compressed Jacobian.
  4. The compressed Jacobian is uncompressed using MADuncompressJac to yield the required sparse Jacobian. We use the Brusselator example again to illustrate this.

Example MADEXbrussodeJacComp: Brusselator Compressed Jacobian

This example shows how to use the fmad class to calculate the Jacobian of the Brusselator problem using compressed storage. If a good coloring can be found then this approach is usually more efficient than use of sparse or full storage as in MADEXbrussodeJac and MADEXbrussodeJacSparse.

See also: brussode_f, brussode_S, MADEXbrussodeJac, MADEXbrussodeJacSparse, brussode


  • Initialise variables
  • Obtain the sparsity pattern
  • Determine the coloring
  • Determine the seed matrix
  • Calculate the compressed Jacobian using fmad
  • Uncompress the Jacobian
  • Using finite-differencing
  • Comparing the AD and FD Jacobians
  • Using compressed finite-differencing
  • Comparing the AD and compressed FD Jacobians

Initialise variables

We define the input variables, setting N to 10 for this example.

format compact

Obtain the sparsity pattern

The function brussode S returns the sparsity pattern, the matrix with an entry 1 when the corresponding Jacobian entry is nonzero and entry 0 when the corresponding Jacobian entry is always zero.

title(['Sparsity pattern for the Brusselator Problem with N=',num2s

Determine the coloring

The function MADcolor takes the sparsity pattern and determines a color (or group number) for each component of the input variables so that perturbing one component with that color affects different dependent variables to those affected by any other variable in that group.

ncolors=max(color_groups) % number of colors used

ncolors =

Determine the seed matrix

The coloring is used by MADgetseed to determine a set of ncolors directions whose directional derivatives may be used to construct all Jacobian entries. seed=MADgetseed(sparsity_pattern,color_groups);

title('Sparsity pattern of the seed matrix')

Calculate the compressed Jacobian using fmad

We initialise y with the value y0 and derivatives given by the seed matrix. We then evaluate the function and extract the value and compressed Jacobian.

F_compfmad=getvalue(F); % grab value
Jcomp=getinternalderivs(F); % grab compressed Jacobian
title('Sparsity pattern of the compressed Jacobian')

Uncompress the Jacobian

MADuncompressJac is used to extract the Jacobian from its compressed form.

title('Sparsity pattern  of  the  calculated Jacobian')

Using finite-differencing

y=repmat(y0,[1 2*N+1]); 
JF_fd=(F(:,2:end)-repmat(F_fd,[1 2*N]))./sqrt(eps);

Comparing the AD and FD Jacobians

The function values computed are, of course, identical. The Jacobians disagree by about 1e-8, this is due to the truncation error of the finite-difference approximation.

disp(['Function values  norm(F_fd-F_compfmad)	= ',num2str(norm(F_fd-F_compfmad,inf))])
disp(['Function Jacobian  norm(JF_fd-JF_compfmad)= ',num2str(norm(JF_fd-JF_compfmad,inf))])
Function values norm(F_fd-F_compfmad)	 = 0
Function Jacobian norm(JF_fd-JF_compfmad)= 4.2915e-008

Using compressed finite-differencing

We may also use compression with finite-differencing.

y=repmat(y0,[1 ncolors+1]); 
Jcomp_fd=(F(:,2:end)-repmat(F_fd,[1  ncolors]))./sqrt(eps); 

Comparing the AD and compressed FD Jacobians

The function values computed are, of course, identical. The Jacobians disagree by about 1e-8, this is due to the truncation error of the finite-difference approximation.

disp(['Function values  norm(F_compfd-F_compfmad)	= ',num2str(norm(F_compfd-F_compfmad,inf))])
disp(['Function Jacobian  norm(JF_compfd-JF_compfmad)   = ',num2str(norm(JF_compfd-JF_compfmad,inf))])
Function values  norm(F_compfd-F_compfmad)	= 0
Function Jacobian  norm(JF_compfd-JF_compfmad)  =  4.2915e-008

Differentiating Iteratively Defined Functions

Consider a function x ? y defined implicitly as a solution of, g(y, x) = 0, (1) and for which we require ?y/?x. Such systems are usually solved via some fixed point iteration of the form,

yn+1 = h(yn , x). (2) There have been many publications regarding the most efficient way to automatically differentiate such a sys-

tem [Azm97, BB98b, Chr94, Chr98] and reviewed in [Gri00]. A simple approach termed piggy-back [Gri00], is to use forward mode AD through the iterative process of equation 2. It is necessary to check for convergence of both the value and derivatives of y.

Example MADEXBBEx3p1 - Bartholomew-Biggs Example 3.1 [BB98a]

This example demonstrates how to find the derivatives of a function defined by a fixed-point iteration using fmad. The example is taken from (M.C. Bartholomew-Biggs, "Using Forward Accumulation for Automatic Differentiation of Implicitly-Defined Functions", Computational Optimization and Applications 9, 65-84, 1998). The example concerns solution of

via the fixed-point iteration,

See also BBEx3p1 gfunc

  • Setting up the iteration
  • Analytic solution
  • Undifferentiated iteration
  • Naive differentiation
  • Problems with naive differentiation
  • Adding a derivative convergence test
  • Conclusions
Setting up the iteration

We set the initial value y0, the value of the independent variable x, the tolerance tolg and the maximum number of iterations itmax.

format compact 
y0=[0; 0]; 
x0=[0.05; 1.3; 1] 
x0 =
Analytic solution

An analytic solution is easily found by setting,

which may be differentiated to give the required sensitivities.

y_exact=[r*cos(theta); r*sin(theta)] 
dthetadx=[0, 1, 0];
dRdx=[2*x(3)/R, 0,  2*x(1)/R]; 
Dy_exact=[-r*sin(theta)*dthetadx+cos(theta)*drdx; ...


y_exact  =

Dy_exact =
0.2442 	-0.0460 -0.0006
0.8796 	0.0128 	-0.0020
Undifferentiated iteration

For the nonlinear, undifferentiated iteration we have:

disp('Itns. |g(y)|')
for i=1:itmax 
     disp([num2str(i,'% 4.0f'),' ',num2str(norm(g),'%10.4e')])
     if norm(g)<=tolg 
Itns. |g(y)|
1 5.0000e-002
2 2.5000e-003
3 2.4375e-004
4 2.3216e-005
5 2.2163e-006
6 2.1153e-007
7 2.0189e-008
8 1.9270e-009 
y_undif =
Error_y_undif =
Naive differentiation

Simply initialising x with the fmad class gives a naive iteration for which the lack of convergence checks on the derivatives here results in only slight inaccuracy.

u=[x(1)*cos(x(2));x(1)*sin(x(2));x(3)]; disp('Itns. |g(y)|')

for i=1:itmax g=BBEx3p1_gfunc(y,u); y=y-g;
disp([num2str(i,'% 4.0f'),' ',num2str(norm(g),'%10.4e'),' ',... num2str(norm(getinternalderivs(g)),'%10.4e')])
if norm(g)<=tolg break

y_naive        = getvalue(y) 
Dy_naive       = getinternalderivs(y) 
Error_y_naive  = norm(y_naive-y_exact,inf) 
Error_Dy_naive = norm(Dy_naive-Dy_exact,inf)
Itns. |g(y)|
1 5.0000e-002  1.0000e+000
2 2.5000e-003  1.0003e-001
3 2.4375e-004  1.4508e-002
4 2.3216e-005  1.8246e-003
5 2.2163e-006  2.1665e-004
6 2.1153e-007  2.4729e-005
7 2.0189e-008  2.7469e-006
8 1.9270e-009  2.9909e-007 
y_naive  =
Dy_naive =
    0.2442    -0.0460    -0.0006
    0.8796     0.0128    -0.0020
Error_y_naive =
Error_Dy_naive =
Problems with naive differentiation

A major problem with naive iteration is if we start close to the solution of the nonlinear problem - then too few differentiated iterations are performed to converge the derivatives. Below only one iteration is performed and we see a large error in the derivatives.

disp('Itns. |g(y)|')

for i=1:itmax 
    disp([num2str(i,'% 4.0f'),' ',num2str(norm(g),'%10.4e'),' ',... num2str(norm(getinternalderivs(g)),'%10.4e')])
    if norm(g)<=tolg 

Itns. |g(y)|
1 1.8392e-010  1.0000e+000 
y_naive2  =
Dy_naive2 =
    0.2675    -0.0482    -0.0006
    0.9636     0.0134    -0.0022
Error_y_naive2 =
Error_Dy_naive2  =
Adding a derivative convergence test

The naive differentiation may be improved by adding a convergence test for the derivatives.

disp('Itns. |g(y)|  ')
for i=1:itmax
    disp([num2str(i,'% 4.0f'),' ',num2str(norm(g),'%10.4e'),' ',...
    if norm(g)<=tolg & norm(getinternalderivs(g))<=tolg % Test added
Itns. |g(y)|
1 1.8392e-010 1.0000e+000
2 1.7554e-011 9.5445e-002
3 1.6755e-012 9.1098e-003
4 1.5992e-013 8.6949e-004
5 1.5264e-014 8.2988e-005
6 1.4594e-015 7.9208e-006
7 1.4091e-016 7.5600e-007
8 1.6042e-017 7.2157e-008
9 4.4703e-019 6.8870e-009
y_improved =
Dy_improved =
    0.2442   -0.0460   -0.0006
    0.8796    0.0128   -0.0020
Error_y_improved =
Error_Dy_improved =

Simple fixed-point iterations may easily be differentiated using MAD's fmad class though users should add conver- gence tests for derivatives to ensure they, as well as the original nonlinear iteration, have converged. Note that getinternalderivs returns an empty array, whose norm is 0, for variables of class double, so adding such tests does not affect the iteration when used for such variables.

User Control of Activities/Dependencies

Example MADEXDepend1: User control of activities/dependencies

This example shows how a user may modify their code to render inactive selective variables which MAD automat- ically assumes are active.

See also: depend, depend2


  • Function depend
  • One independent variable
  • Dealing with one dependent variable

Function depend

The function depend defines two variables u,v in terms of independents x,y,

u = x + y, v = -x

Using the fmad class it is trivial to calculate the derivatives du/dx, du/dy, dv/dx, dv/dy. We associate the first directional derivative with the x-derivatives and the second with those of variable y.

format compact
x=fmad(1,[1 0]); y=fmad(2,[0 1]);
du_dx =
du_dy =
dv_dx =
dv_dy =

One independent variable

Dealing with one independent, say x, is trivial and here requires just one directional derivative.

x=fmad(1,1); y=2;
du_dx =
dv_dx =

Dealing with one dependent variable

When we are only interested in the derivatives of one dependent variable, say u, then things are more tricky since fmad automatically calculates derivatives of all variables that depend on active inputs. We could, of course, calculate v's derivatives and simply discard them and in many cases (including that here) the performance penalty paid would be insignificant. In some cases a calculation may be significant shortened by ensuring that we calculate derivatives only for those dependent variables we are interested in, or which are involved in calculating those dependents. To illustrate this see function depend2 in which we ensure v is not active by using MAD's getvalue function to ensure that only v's value and not its derivatives, is calculated. u=x+y; v=-getvalue(x); Note that in this case an empty matrix is returned by getinternalderivatives.

x=fmad(1,[1 0]); y=fmad(2,[0 1]);
du_dx =
du_dy =
Dv =

The last case of just one active output is more difficult to deal with because derivatives are propagated automat- ically by fmad's overloaded library. Automatically dealing with a restricted number of active outputs requires a reverse dependency or activity analysis [Gri00]. This kind of analysis requires compiler based techniques and is implemented in source transformation AD tools such as ADIFOR, TAF/TAMCand Tapenade. In the present overloading context such an effect can only be achieved as above by the user carefully ensuring that unneces- sary propagation of derivatives is stopped by judicious use of the getvalue function to propagate values and not derivatives. Of course such coding changes as those shown above, should only be performed if the programmer is sure they know what they are doing. Correctly excluding some derivative propagation and hence calculations may make for considerable run-time savings for large codes. However incorrect use will result in incorrectly calculated derivative values.

Adding Functions to the fmad Class

Because Matlab has such a large, and growing, range of builtin functions it is not possible to commit to providing differentiated fmad class functions for them all. Our strategy is to add new functions as requested by users; most such requests are dealt with within a working week (depending on staff availability and complexity of the task). Some users may wish to add differentiated functions to the fmad class themselves, this section describes how this may be done. We request that users who do extend Mad in such a way forward their fmad class functions to TOMLAB so that they may be tested, optimised, and added to the Mad distribution to the benefit of all users.

In order for users to extend the fmad class they must add functions directly to the @fmad folder of the Mad distribution. In order to simplify this, and since Mad is distributed in p-code format preventing users looking at existing code, a non-p-coded template function @fmad/userfunc.m is included in the Mad distribution for users to modify. To illustrate how a user can create their own fmad functions consider the example

function  y=userfunc(x)
%   userfunc: y=userfunc(x) taemplate for user-defined function of fmad variable
%   See also

y=x; 	   %   deep copy of  x so y has x's class and components 
y.value= ; %   add value here  written in terms of x.value 
y.deriv=.*x.deriv; % add multiplier of x's derivative written
                   % in terms of x.value and perhaps y.value
                   % to give y's derivative

The template function userfunc.m that may be copied and modified to extend Mad's functionality. Some comments have been omitted for brevity of y=sinh(x)1 . First the user would make a copy of userfunc.m named sinh.m in the fmad class folder @fmad of their installed Mad distribution. They would then modify their function sinh.m. We see

function y=sinh(x)
%   sinh:  y=sinh(x) hyperbolic sine  of  fmad variable
%   See also  sinh,  fmad/asinh, fmad/cosh,  fmad/tanh

y=x; y.value=sinh(x.value); y.deriv=cosh(x.value).*x.deriv;

A possible user created sinh.m function for the fmad class created from the template userfunc.m of Figure 2 that just three changes have been made:

  1. The function name has been changed appropriately to sinh.
  2. The value component of the function's output y.value has been set to a value calculated using the value component of the function's input x.value. In this case the output's value component is the sinh of the input's value component.
  3. The deriv component of the function's output y.deriv has been set to a value calculated using the value component of the function's input x.value multiplied by the deriv component of the function's input x.deriv. In this case the output's deriv component is cosh(x.value) times the function's input derivs component because the derivative of sinh(x) is cosh(x). In all cases the multiplier of x.deriv is the local derivative of the function, i.e., the derivative of the function's output with respect to its input in the mathematical analysis sense.

The user should then test their coding on simple problems for which they know the solution. For example, in the sinh(x) case above we might consider the derivatives when x is the vector x=[ 1 2 ]. Then to get derivatives of the output with respect to both components of x we would perform the following:

>> x=[1  2]
x =
1	2
>> xfmad=fmad(x,eye(length(x)))
fmad object xfmad 
value  =
    1	2
derivvec object derivatives
Size = 1   2
No. of derivs = 2 
derivs(:,:,1) =
     1	0 
derivs(:,:,2) =
     0	1

>> yfmad=sinh(xfmad) 
fmad object yfmad 
value  =
     1.1752 	3.6269 
derivvec object derivatives Size  = 1	2
No. of  derivs = 2 
derivs(:,:,1) =
     1.5431 	0 
derivs(:,:,2) =
     0	   3.7622
>> yvalue=getvalue(yfmad)
yvalue  =
     1.1752 	3.6269
>> y=sinh(x)
y =
    1.1752 	3.6269
>> Dy=getinternalderivs(yfmad) Dy =
     1.5431 	0
     0	   3.7622
>> derivy=cosh(x)
derivy =
     1.5431 3.7622

in which we see that the calculated value of y's value using fmad is yvalue=[1.1752 3.6269] agreeing with the directly calculated y=sinh(x); and the calculated value of y's derivatives,

Dy =
     1.5431 	0
     0	   3.7622

agrees with the analytic derivative derivy=cosh(x).

As stated before, users should send their coding of such fmad functions to TOMLAB for performance optimisation and incorporation into the general distribution.