CPLEX cplexStatus

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This page is part of the CPLEX Manual. See CPLEX.


cplexStatus analyzes the CPLEX output Inform code and returns the CPLEX solution status message in ExitText and the TOMLAB exit flag in ExitFlag.

Calling Syntax

[ExitT ext, ExitF lag] = cplexStatus(Inform)

Description of Inputs

The following inputs are used:
Inform Result of CPLEX run. (S=Simplex, B=Barrier, MIP=Mixed-Integer)
1 (S,B) Optimal solution is available
2 (S,B) Model has an unbounded ray
3 (S,B) Model has been proved infeasible
4 (S,B) Model has been proved either infeasible or unbounded
5 (S,B) Optimal solution is available, but with infeasibilities after unscaling
6 (S,B) Solution is available, but not proved optimal, due to numeric difficulties
10 (S,B) Stopped due to limit on number of iterations
11 (S,B) Stopped due to a time limit
12 (S,B) Stopped due to an objective limit
13 (S,B) Stopped due to a request from the user
14 (S,B) Feasible relaxed sum found (FEASOPTMODE)
15 (S,B) Optimal relaxed sum found (FEASOPTMODE)
16 (S,B) Feasible relaxed infeasibility found (FEASOPTMODE)
17 (S,B) Optimal relaxed infeasibility found (FEASOPTMODE)
18 (S,B) Feasible relaxed quad sum found (FEASOPTMODE)
19 (S,B) Optimal relaxed quad sum found (FEASOPTMODE)
20 (B) Model has an unbounded optimal face
21 (B) Stopped due to a limit on the primal objective
22 (B) Stopped due to a limit on the dual objective
30 The model appears to be feasible; no conflict is available
31 The conflict refiner found a minimal conflict
32 A conflict is available, but it is not minimal
33 The conflict refiner terminated because of a time limit
34 The conflict refiner terminated because of an iteration limit
35 The conflict refiner terminated because of a node limit
36 The conflict refiner terminated because of an objective limit
37 The conflict refiner terminated because of a memory limit
38 The conflict refiner terminated because a user terminated the application
101 Optimal integer solution found
102 Optimal sol. within epgap or epagap tolerance found
103 Solution is integer infeasible
104 The limit on mixed integer solutions has been reached
105 Node limit exceeded, integer solution exists
106 Node limit exceeded, no integer solution
107 Time limit exceeded, integer solution exists
108 Time limit exceeded, no integer solution
109 Terminated because of an error, but integer solution exists
110 Terminated because of an error, no integer solution
111 Limit on tree memory has been reached, but an integer solution exists
112 Limit on tree memory has been reached; no integer solution
113 Stopped, but an integer solution exists
114 Stopped; no integer solution
115 Problem is optimal with unscaled infeasibilities
116 Out of memory, no tree available, integer solution exists
117 Out of memory, no tree available, no integer solution
118 Model has an unbounded ray
119 Model has been proved either infeasible or unbounded
120 (MIP) Feasible relaxed sum found (FEASOPTMODE)
121 (MIP) Optimal relaxed sum found (FEASOPTMODE)
122 (MIP) Feasible relaxed infeasibility found (FEASOPTMODE)
123 (MIP) Optimal relaxed infeasibility found (FEASOPTMODE)
124 (MIP) Feasible relaxed quad sum found (FEASOPTMODE)
125 (MIP) Optimal relaxed quad sum found (FEASOPTMODE)
126 (MIP) Relaxation aborted due to limit (FEASOPTMODE)
127 (MIP) Feasible solution found (FEASOPTMODE)
1001 Insufficient memory available
1014 CPLEX parameter is too small
1015 CPLEX parameter is too big
1100 Lower and upper bounds contradictory
1101 The loaded problem contains blatant infeasibilities or unboundedness
1106 The user halted preprocessing by means of a callback
1117 The loaded problem contains blatant infeasibilities
1118 The loaded problem contains blatant unboundedness
1123 Time limit exceeded during presolve.
1225 Numeric entry is not a double precision number (NAN)
1233 Data checking detected a number too large
1256 CPLEX cannot factor a singular basis
1261 No basic solution exists (use crossover)
1262 No basis exists (use crossover)
1719 No conflict is available
1805 MIP dynamic search incompatible with control callbacks.
3413 Tree memory limit exceeded
5002 Non-positive semidefinite matrix in quadratic problem
5012 Non-symmetric matrix in quadratic problem
32201 A licensing error has occurred
32024 Licensing problem: Optimization algorithm not licensed

Description of Outputs

The following fields are used:

ExitText Text interpretation of CPLEX result.
ExitFlag TOMLAB standard exit flag.