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This page is part of the TomSym Manual. See TomSym Manual.

Problem description

FAL (the Flying Air Lines) specializes in freight transport. The company links the major French cities with cities in the United States, namely: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Marseille, Nice, and Paris. The average quantities in tonnes transported every day by this company between these cities are given in the following table.

Average quantity of freight transported between every pair of cities

+---------+-------+------+-------+---------+----+-----+ | |Atlanta|Boston|Chicago|Marseille|Nice|Paris| |Atlanta | 0 | 500 | 1000 | 300 |400 |1500 | |Boston |1500 | 0 | 250 | 630 |360 |1140 | |Chicago | 400 | 510 | 0 | 460 |320 | 490 | |Marseille| 300 | 600 | 810 | 0 |820 | 310 | |Nice | 400 | 100 | 420 | 730 | 0 | 970 | |Paris | 350 | 1020 | 260 | 580 |380 | 0 | +---------+-------+------+-------+---------+----+-----+

We shall assume that the transport cost between two cities i and j is proportional to the distance that separates them. The distances in miles are given in the next table.

Distances between pairs of cities

+---------+------+-------+---------+----+-----+ | |Boston|Chicago|Marseille|Nice|Paris| +---------+------+-------+---------+----+-----+ |Atlanta | 945 | 605 | 4667 |4749| 4394| |Boston | 866 |3726 | 3806 |3448| | |Chicago | 4471 |4541 | 4152 | | | |Marseille| 109 | 415 | | | | |Nice | 431 | | | | | +---------+------+-------+---------+----+-----+

The airline is planning to use two cities as connection platforms (hubs) to reduce the transport costs. Every city is then assigned to a single hub. The traffic between cities assigned to a given hub H1 to the cities assigned to the other hub H2 is all routed through the single connection from H1 to H2 which allows the airline to reduce the transport cost. We consider that the transport cost between the two hubs decreases by 20%. Determine the two cities to be chosen as hubs in order to minimize the transport cost.


frights Goods between cities distances Distances hubs Number of hubs


The result from this example is quite hard to interpret since flows should be split into a tensor of rank 4 with the indices i, j, k and l and also into a vector of length c (number of cities). The vector indicates the hubs. For all non-zero element (i,j,k,l) in the tensor the following interpretation is possible: the route from city i to j passes through the hubs k and l.

In the example below temp(3,5,2,6) == 1 since the route from 3 (Chicago) to 5 (Nice) pass through 2 (Boston) and 6 (Paris). Also temp(4,5,6,6) == 1 since the route from 4 (Marseille) to 5 (Nice) pass through only 6 (Paris).


Applications of optimization... Gueret, Prins, Seveaux

% Marcus Edvall, Tomlab Optimization Inc, E-mail:
% Copyright (c) 2005-2009 by Tomlab Optimization Inc., $Release: 7.2.0$
% Written Nov 7, 2005.   Last modified Apr 11, 2008.

Problem setup

frights = tomArray([   0   500   1000    300    400   1500;...
    1500     0    250    630    360   1140;...
    400   510      0    460    320    490;...
    300   600    810      0    820    310;...
    400   100    420    730      0    970;...
    350  1020    260    580    380      0]);

distances = tomArray([   0   945   605   4667   4749    4394;...
    945     0   866   3726   3806    3448;...
    605   866     0   4471   4541    4152;...
    4667  3726  4471      0    109     415;...
    4749  3806  4541    109      0     431;...
    4394  3448  4152    415    431       0]);

hubs = 2;

cities = size(frights,1); % city/hub i,j,k,l

i = tomArrayIdx('i',1:cities);
j = tomArrayIdx('j',1:cities);
k = tomArrayIdx('k',1:cities);
l = tomArrayIdx('l',1:cities);

flows = tom('flows',cities^4,1,'int');
flows = tomArray(flows,[cities,cities,cities,cities]);
hub  = tom('hub', cities, 1, 'int');

% All variables are binary
bnds = {0 <= flows <= 1, 0 <= hub <= 1};

% Hub constraint
con1 = {sum(hub) == hubs};

% i and j constraint
con2 = {sum(sum(flows(i,j,k,l),k),l) == 1};

% Hub constraint 1 and 2
con3 = cell(cities,1);
con4 = cell(cities,1);
for iter = 1:cities
    con3{iter} = {flows(i,j,iter,l) <= hub(iter)};
    con4{iter} = {flows(i,j,k,iter) <= hub(iter)};

% Objective
objective = sum(vec(frights(i,j).*...

constraints = {bnds, con1, con2, con3, con4};
options = struct;
options.solver = 'cplex';   = 'Airline Hub Location';
sol = ezsolve(objective,constraints,[],options);

PriLev = 1;
if PriLev > 0
    c       = 6;   % number of cities
    c_names = ['Atla';'Bost';'Chic';'Mars';'Nice';'Pari'];
    temp    = reshape(sol.flows(1:c^4),c,c,c,c);
    hubs    = find(sol.hub);

    disp('Put hubs in ')
    for h = 1: length(hubs),
        disp([' ' num2str(c_names(hubs(h),:)) ])

    % displaying the routes between cities
    for i = 1:c,
      for j = i+1:c,
        for k = 1:c,
          for l = 1:c,
            if temp(i,j,k,l) == 1
            % route involving one hub
              if k==l & i~=k & j~=k & i~=j,
                disp(['the route ' num2str([c_names(i,:),' ',   ...
                c_names(j,:)]) ' requires hub  ' num2str(c_names(k,:))])
                % route involving two hubs
              elseif i~=j & i~=k & i~=l & j~=k & j~=l & k~=l,
                disp(['the route ' num2str([c_names(i,:),' ', ...
                c_names(j,:)]) ' requires hubs ' ...
                num2str([c_names(k,:),' ', c_names(l,:)])])
                % route between hubs
              elseif ( (i==k & j==l) | (i==l & j==k) ) & k~=l,
                disp(['the route ' num2str([c_names(i,:),' ', ...
                c_names(j,:)]) ' is between hubs' ])

% 051107 med   Created
% 060113 per   Added documentation
% 060116 per   Minor changes
% 060125 per   Moved disp to end
% 060203 med   Updated print level
% 090412 med   Converted to tomSym
Problem type appears to be: mip
Time for symbolic processing: 0.098368 seconds
Starting numeric solver
===== * * * =================================================================== * * *
TOMLAB - TOMLAB Development license  999007. Valid to 2011-12-31
Problem: ---  1: Airline Hub Location           f_k 42153794.000000000000000000
                                              f(x_0)      0.000000000000000000

Solver: CPLEX.  EXIT=0.  INFORM=101.
CPLEX Branch-and-Cut MIP solver
Optimal integer solution found

FuncEv  154 
CPU time: 0.031200 sec. Elapsed time: 0.040000 sec. 
Put hubs in 
the route Atla Chic requires hub  Bost
the route Atla Mars requires hubs Bost Pari
the route Atla Nice requires hubs Bost Pari
the route Bost Pari is between hubs
the route Chic Mars requires hubs Bost Pari
the route Chic Nice requires hubs Bost Pari
the route Mars Nice requires hub  Pari