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Minimize function of one variable. Find miniumum x in [x_L, x_U] for function Func within tolerance xTol. Solves using Brents minimization algorithm.

Calling Syntax

[x, nFunc] = Tfmin(Func, x_L, x_U, xTol, Prob)


Variable Description
Func Function of x to be minimized. Func must be defined as:

f = Func(x) if no 5th argument Prob is given or

f = Func(x, Prob) if 5th argument Prob is given.

x_L Lower bound on x.
x_U Upper bound on x.
xTol Tolerance on accuracy of minimum.
Prob Structure (or any Matlab variable) sent to Func. If many parameters are to be sent to Func set them in Prob as a structure. Example for parameters a and b:

Prob.user.a = a; Prob.user.b = b;

[x, nFunc] = Tfmin('myFunc',0,1,1E-5,Prob);

In myFunc:

function f = myFunc(x, Prob)

a = Prob.user.a;

b = Prob.user.b;

f = "matlab expression dependent of x, a and b";


Variable Description
x Solution.
nFunc Number of calls to Func.