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Solve exponential fitting problems for given number of terms p.

Calling Syntax

Prob = expAssign( ... );
Result = expSolve(Prob, PriLev); or
Result = tomRun('expSolve', PriLev);


Prob Problem created with expAssign.
PriLev Print level in tomRun call.
Prob.SolverL2 Name of solver to use. If empty, TOMLAB selects dependent on license.


Result TOMLAB Result structure as returned by solver selected by input argument Solver.
LS Statistical information about the solution. See TOMLAB Appendix B.


expSolve solves a cls (constrained least squares) problem for exponential fitting formulates by expAssign. The problem is solved with a suitable or given cls solver.

The aim is to provide a quicker interface to exponential fitting, automating the process of setting up the problem structure and getting statistical data.

M-files Used

GetSolver, expInit, StatLS and expAssign


Assume that the Matlab vectors t, y contain the following data:

To set up and solve the problem of fitting the data to a two-term exponential model


give the following commands:

>> p      = 2;                         % Two terms
>> Name   = 'Simple two-term exp fit'; % Problem name, can be anything
>> wType  = 0;                         % No weighting
>> SepAlg = 0;                         % Separable problem
>> Prob = expAssign(p,Name,t,y,wType,[],SepAlg);

>> Result = tomRun('expSolve',Prob,1);
>> x = Result.x_k'

x =
          0.01          0.58         72.38        851.68

The vector contains the parameters as so the solution may be visualized with

>> plot(t,y,'-*', t,x(3)*exp(-t*x(1)) + x(4)*exp(-t*x(2)) );

<figure id="fig:expData">

Results of fitting experimental data
Results of fitting experimental data to two-term exponential model. Solid line: final model, dash-dot: data.
