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Solve general constrained nonlinear optimization problems.

conSolve solves problems of the form

where , , , , , and .

Calling Syntax

Result = conSolve(Prob, varargin) 
Result = tomRun('conSolve', Prob);


Prob Problem description structure. The following fields are used:
Solver.Alg Choice of algorithm. Also affects how derivatives are obtained.

See following fields.

0,1,2: Schittkowski SQP.

3,4: Han-Powell SQP.

x_0 Starting point.
x_L Lower bounds on the variables.
x_U Upper bounds on the variables.
b_L Lower bounds on the linear constraints.
b_U Upper bounds on the linear constraints.
A Constraint matrix for linear constraints.
c_L Lower bounds on the general constraints.
c_U Upper bounds on the general constraints.
NumDiff How to obtain derivatives (gradient, Hessian).
ConsDiff How to obtain the constraint derivative matrix.
SolverQP Name of the solver used for QP subproblems. If empty, the default solver is used. See GetSolver.m and tomSolve.m.
f_Low A lower bound on the optimal function value, see LineParam.fLowBnd below.
Used in convergence tests, f_k(x_k) <= f_Low. Only a feasible point x_k is accepted.
FUNCS.f Name of m-file computing the objective function f (x).
FUNCS.g Name of m-file computing the gradient vector g(x).
FUNCS.H Name of m-file computing the Hessian matrix H (x).
FUNCS.c Name of m-file computing the vector of constraint functions c(x).
FUNCS.dc Name of m-file computing the matrix of constraint normals δ(x)/dx.
PriLevOpt Print level.
optParam Structure with optimization parameters, see TOMLAB Appendix A. Fields that are used: bTol, cTol, eps_absf, eps_g, eps_x, eps_Rank, IterPrint, MaxIter, QN InitMatrix, size_f, size_x, xTol and wait.
LineParam Structure with line search parameters. See TOMLAB Appendix A.
fLowBnd A lower bound on the global optimum of f(x). The user might also give lower bound estimate in Prob.f_Low conSolve computes LineParam.fLowBnd as: LineParam.fLowBnd = max(Prob.f_Low,Prob.LineParam.fLowBnd).
varargin Other parameters directly sent to low level routines.


Result Structure with result from optimization. The following fields are changed:
x_k Optimal point.
v_k Lagrange multipliers.
f_k Function value at optimum.
g_k Gradient value at optimum.
H_k Hessian value at optimum.
x_0 Starting point.
f_0 Function value at start.
c_k Value of constraints at optimum.
cJac Constraint Jacobian at optimum.
xState State of each variable, described in TOMLAB Appendix B.
bState State of each linear constraint, described in TOMLAB Appendix B.
cState State of each nonlinear constraint.
Iter Number of iterations.
ExitFlag Flag giving exit status.
ExitText 'Text string giving ExitFlag and Inform information.
Inform Code telling type of convergence:

1: Iteration points are close. Result Structure with result from optimization. The following fields are changed:, continued

2: Small search direction.

3: Iteration points are close and Small search direction.

4: Gradient of merit function small.

5: Iteration points are close and gradient of merit function small.

6: Small search direction and gradient of merit function small.

7: Iteration points are close, small search direction and gradient of merit func-tion small.

8: Small search direction p and constraints satisfied.

101: Maximum number of iterations reached.

102: Function value below given estimate.

103: Iteration points are close, but constraints not fulfilled. Too large penalty weights to be able to continue. Problem is maybe infeasible.

104: Search direction is zero and infeasible constraints. The problem is very likely infeasible.

105: Merit function is infinity.

106: Penalty weights too high.

Solver Solver used.
SolverAlgorithm Solver algorithm used.
Prob Problem structure used.


The routine conSolve implements two SQP algorithms for general constrained minimization problems. One imple- mentation, Solver.Alg = 0, 1, 2, is based on the SQP algorithm by Schittkowski with Augmented Lagrangian merit function. The other, Solver.Alg = 3, 4, is an implementation of the Han-Powell SQP method.

The Hessian in the QP subproblems are determined in one of several ways, dependent on the input parameters. The following table shows how the algorithm and Hessian method is selected.

Solver.Alg NumDiff AutoDiff isempty(FUNCS.H) Hessian computation Algorithm
0 0 0 0 Analytic Hessian Schittkowski SQP
0 any any any BFGS Schittkowski SQP
1 0 0 0 Analytic Hessian Schittkowski SQP
1 0 0 1 Numerical differences H Schittkowski SQP
1 > 0 0 any Numerical differences g,H Schittkowski SQP
1 < 0 0 any Numerical differences H Schittkowski SQP
1 any 1 any Automatic differentiation Schittkowski SQP
2 0 0 any BFGS Schittkowski SQP
2 = 0 0 any BFGS, numerical gradient g Schittkowski SQP
2 any 1 any BFGS, automatic diff gradient Schittkowski SQP
3 0 0 0 Analytic Hessian Han-Powell SQP
3 0 0 1 Numerical differences H Han-Powell SQP
3 > 0 0 any Numerical differences g,H Han-Powell SQP
3 < 0 0 any Numerical differences H Han-Powell SQP
3 any 1 any Automatic differentiation Han-Powell SQP
4 0 0 any BFGS Han-Powell SQP
4 = 0 0 any BFGS, numerical gradient g Han-Powell SQP
4 any 1 any BFGS, automatic diff gradient Han-Powell SQP

M-files Used

ResultDef.m, tomSolve.m, LineSearch.m, iniSolve.m, endSolve.m, ProbCheck.m.

See Also

nlpSolve, sTrustr