CPLEX Callbacks in Matlab

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This page is part of the CPLEX Manual. See CPLEX.

Fifteen of the CPLEX callbacks are defined as Matlab m-files. A logical vector defines the callbacks to be used in CPLEX. This vector is named callback and is one of the input variables to the level 1 interface routine cplex.m (Appendix A). If the ith entry of the logical vector callback is set, the corresponding callback is defined.

The callback calls the m-file specified in #Table: Matlab Callback routines. The user can edit this m-file directly, or make a new copy. It is important that a new copy is placed in a directory that is searched before the cplex directory when Matlab goes through the Matlab path.

Table: Matlab Callback routines

Index m-file Called at
1 cpxcb_BARRIER.m cpxcb_BARRIER
2 cpxcb_DISJCUT.m cpxcb_DISJCUT
3 cpxcb_DUAL.m cpxcb_DUAL
5 cpxcb_FLOWMIR.m cpxcb_FLOWMIR
6 cpxcb_FRACCUT.m cpxcb_FRACCUT
7 cpxcb_MIP.m cpxcb_MIP
8 cpxcb_MIPPROBE.m cpxcb_MIPPROBE
9 cpxcb_PRESOLVE.m cpxcb_PRESOLVE
10 cpxcb_PRIM.m cpxcb_PRIM
11 cpxcb_PRIMCROSS.m cpxcb_PRIMCROSS
12 cpxcb_QPBARRIER.m cpxcb_QPBARRIER
13 cpxcb_QPSIMPLEX.m cpxcb_QPSIMPLEX
14 cpxcb_INCUMBENT.m cpxcb_INCUMBENT
1 cpxcb_NET.m cpxcb_NET