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Adds constraints when modeling with binary variables which are multiplied by integer or continuous variables.

This is the most efficient way to get rid off quadratic objectives or constraints.

Calling Syntax

Prob = bincont2lin(Prob, idx_prod, idx_bin, idx_cont)


Prob Problem structure to be converted.
idx_prod Indices for product variables.
idx_bin Indices for binary variables.
idx_cont Indices for continuous/integer variables.


Output Description
Prob Problem structure with added constraints.


prod = bin * cont. The problem should be built with the extra variables prod in place of the bin * cont products.

The indices of the unique product variables are needed to convert the problem properly.

Three inequalities are added to the problem:

prod <= cont

prod >= cont - xU * (1 - bin)

prod <= xU * bin

By adding this prod will always equal bin * cont.