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This page is part of the CPLEX Manual. See CPLEX.

CPLEX_Barrier callback.

Called from TOMLAB /CPLEX when solving linear problems using the barrier algorithm.

This callback is enabled by setting callback(5) = 1 in the call to cplex.m, or Prob.MIP.callback(5) = 1 if using tomRun('cplex',...).

cpxcb_BARRIER is called with one argument, the cpxCBInfo progress information vector.

Contents of cpxCBInfo vector:

i	cpxCBInfo(i)	 - Value
1	PRIMAL_OBJ	 - primal objective value
2	DUAL_OBJ	 - dual  objective  value
3	PRIMAL_INFMEAS	 - measure of  primal infeasibility
4	DUAL_INFMEAS	 - measure of  dual  infeasibility
5	PRIMAL_FEAS	 - 1 if primal feasible,  0 if not
6	DUAL_FEAS	 - 1 if dual  feasible, 0 if not
7	ITCOUNT	         - iteration count
8	CROSSOVER_PPUSH  - primal push crossover itn. count
9	CROSSOVER_PEXCH  - primal exchange crossover itn. count
10	CROSSOVER_DPUSH  - dual  push crossover itn. count
11	CROSSOVER_DEXCH  - dual  exchange crossover itn. count

By returning a nonzero value from cpxcb_BARRIER, the user can terminate the optimization.

If modifying this file, it is recommended to make a copy of it which is placed before the original file in the MATLAB path.