CPLEX cpxTestQP2

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This page is part of the CPLEX Manual. See CPLEX.


Simple test of calling CPLEX Matlab level 1 interface to solve a mixed integer quadratic (MIQP) problem.

Calling Syntax

x = cpxTestQP2(MIP)

Description of Input

Input Description
MIP If M I P = 1 (default), run as a MIQP problem, trying to make the first variable integer valued, otherwise run as a pure QP problem.
DEFPARAM If 1, use default parameters, presolve, cuts, dual simplex for fastest execution.

If 0, do not use presolve or cuts. Choose Primal Simplex for slower execution. Default: 0

Global Parameters Used

Parameter Description
MAX_x Maximal number of x elements printed in output statements. Default 20.
MAX_c Maximal number of constraint elements printed in output statements. Default 20.


Simple test of MIQP problem running CPLEX . The problem is defined as

Failed to parse (unknown function "\multicolumn"): {\displaystyle \begin{array}{cccccc}\min\limits_{x} & \multicolumn{5}{l}{f(x) = 2x_1^2 - 2x_1x_2 + 2x_2^2 -6x_1 } \\\\s/t & 0 & \leq & x_1,x_2 & \leq & \infty \\ & & & x_1 + x_2 & \leq & 1.9 \\\\ & \multicolumn{5}{l}{x_1 \mathrm{\ \ integer \ if\ \VAR{MIP} \ne 0}.} \\\end{array} }

M-files Used
